Sunday, May 8, 2011

I missed Sky Candy's Production....

and I'm quite disappointed about it. I missed seeing The Red Shoes (Sky Candy Austin's first full length production) and I missed the After Party on Friday night. I had gum surgery on Wednesday and some complications kept me home all weekend. I heard the show sold out - congratulations Sky Candy! I hope I can see the next one.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some up coming events...

I've been behind in my blogging but I want to write about a few events coming up:

1. Austin's Sky Candy is doing their first full length production. It's an adaption of Han Christian Andersen's The Red Shoes. It's this weekend only May 6th - May8th. I believe tickets are already sold out for Friday night (May 6th) but are still available for the weekend shows. You can purchase tickets here.

2. Blue Lapis is doing a performance in June (15th - 19th) called "Devotion". It will be at the Power Plant Intake Building on Lady Bird Lake. Check their website for more details. They are also doing a Spring Soiree on May 15th from 5:00-7:00 for $20 with more details available on the website.

3. Ringling Brothers is coming back to Austin in August - Yay! Pre-sale tickets are already available. The shows will be August 17-21 at the Frank Erwin Center.